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Daily Dev: Sept 22, 2016

Ever had a day so long that the morning feels like yesterday? That was today. Stayed up until 6 AM on bug fixes and flight bookings as I had to head to immigration for my visa renewal today. (Spoilers they didn’t even ask to see proof of onward travel.) I spent an hour and a half round trip on the bike today, but I didn’t really mind at all. It’s pretty nice to drive a scooter and weaving through traffic certainly keeps it interesting! I did get a crazy farmers tan on my arms though. Hopefully they’re not too burnt.

Work wise, I finished a few more minor bugs and just finished pushing the updates for iOS and Android. I’m pretty nervous to see how a server I set-up from scratch does in the real world as I haven’t messed with mysql and php in awhile. It’s simple enough that it seems like it should be fine. Just a big enough feature that it seems like something will go wrong. I could try to push the Web update tonight, but I really need some sleep. It’ll take a bit of tweaking and it isn’t a high priority.


1.) Finish server debug.

2.) Upload new iOS and Android builds.

3.) Get passport back from immigration.

Thankful for:

1.) Passport back!

2.) Fun scooter rides.

3.) New adventures.

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